New Product Detail Page

We have exciting news for you: Our product detail page in the webshop and app has been completely redesigned and improved. The new product detail page offers our customers an improved shopping experience. With an appealing design and a clear presentation of product details, we can increase the interest and purchase intention of our customers. This enables customers to make informed purchasing decisions and increases trust in our products and brand. By optimizing the product detail page, we also strengthen the conversion rate, reduce the bounce rate, attract new customers, and provide more relevant product/supplier content. Especially remarkable is the fact that the new product detail page is 47% faster than the old product detail page.

In the first step, we still implement an A/B-test to compare the old and the new product detail page. By identifying the most effective layouts, content, call-to-action elements, etc., the performance of the page can be optimized to convince more customers to make a purchase. Finally, we can observe how customers respond to different design and content elements.

For Comparison: The Old Product Detail Page

Member Early Access

Our Heinemann & Me members can buy special highlight products worldwide before anyone else - only online via our Heinemann webshop for a specific amount of time. Offering access to special products before offering these to the public creates a powerful feeling of exclusivity for members and a fear-of-missing-out for non-members. The products are marked with the ribbon "Early Access".
Our first launch: Member Early Access x Jack Daniel's American Single Malt was a complete success. 900 bottles were sold out after 11 days. We are looking forward to more of these success stories.

Anonymous User:

Webshop User:

Heinemann & Me User:

Recommendation Carousel

To increase customer satisfaction, increase sales and improve product discovery, a recommendation carousel has now been added to the webshop and app. The carousels on the product detail page (PDP) will be automatically displayed depending on the product category. This means that if a customer is on the PDP of a Hendricks Gin, for example, then the top-selling gin products are displayed on this PDP. All recommendations which are displayed are based on the sales data from Online and Offline sales. Because of this we are able to display daily topsellers.

After we have gathered some experience with this feature in the EU webshop, we are planning to roll out this feature to other webshops as well.