Out-of-Stock products clearly indicated and removed from product carousel

To make shopping easier for the customer, articles that do not have stock are now moved to the last page of the product group, grayed out and marked with a button “Currently not available”. Thus, the customer no longer has to call each article page, but sees at a glance which articles are not available. In addition, the OOS products in the App have been removed from the product carousel. This makes it easier to keep track of inventory products.

Test Case @ Lufthansa

With Lufthansa, we did a test case in February where we implemented a banner on their website (online booking confirmation page & mobile check-in confirmation page) for 4 weeks. The tagline was "As a ticket holder you can choose your favorite item with 25% discount". The discount was provided through a coupon code. To make the checkout as easy as possible for our Lufthansa customers, the flight data prompt was no longer displayed.